Star Wars: Rogue One Sizzle Reel Breakdown - 33 Things You Must See

May the Force by with us...

By Simon Gallagher /

With the ominous sound of reshoot stories still ringing in the air, Disney have done what they suddenly find they do best with Star Wars: whipping up an atmosphere of hype reserved only for the mega blockbusters.


They've confirmed character stories, revealed new ones entirely and teased the return of a certain Dark Lord. And even as some continue to claim that the studio require less darkness in there, what they've shown for Rogue One cuts the image of a doom-laden, ominous war epic stuffed with action and the human cost of battle. In short, it looks phenomenal.

While we wait for the second trailer to land (if indeed that secret Celebration trailer is going to be released to the general public), it's time to pour over the excellent sizzle reel from the event. Because there's a hell of a lot of detail in there.

Here's everything we learned from the sizzle reel...

33. An Epic Opening Shot


Even in a sizzle reel, LucasFilm knows how to present immediately iconic shots.

And while this is being presented as an entirely different Star Wars experience, the aesthetic and the cinematography principles are clearly built the same.

And of course, it wouldn't be a Star Wars film without at least one sunset. Speaking of callbacks, doesn't this look an awful lot like a moisture farm like Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru had?

32. Cassian And K-2SO In Battle

In case you were worried the reshoots had taken away the spirit of the war movie that Rogue One was initially sold as, and lightened it up massively, the first real action shot throws us straight into the action.


This appears to be a beach attack sequence with the Rebels foot soldiers taking heavy fire as they attack a placement.

Despite the explosions, this is pre-effects, as Alan Tudyk strikes through the middle of the shot in his mo-cap gear (a good indication of how organic his performance as K-2SO will be). His "friend" Cassian jumps the dune and lands prone - his "field experience" clearly wasn't exaggerated.

There's another shot later of Tudyk in his mo-cap gear...