Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 6 Things That Were Perfect (And 3 That Were Disappointing)

Impressive. Mostly impressive.

By Alex Leadbeater /

Let's just take a pause to take in the sheer awesomeness of what's just happened; Star Wars Episode VII has just been released. The movie that for so long was little more than a fan-dream, a delirious "What if?", is playing right now in cinemas. It goes without saying that no movie has ever been more hyped than Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Oh, you could argue The Phantom Menace arrived under a bigger cloud of anticipation, but that was in the early days of the internet - the hype machine for The Force Awakens has been in full gear for well over year, with a pitch perfect marketing campaign getting even the biggest prequel detractor onside (that's what casting the original trio will do). Does the movie live up to the hype? Well, not quite, but it is still a ruddy entertaining film, with some franchise high-points and things that'll keep people debating all the way through to Episode VIII in 2017 (although it isn't without some odd, disappointing fundamental issues). You can check out the full review here, but let's take a deeper look at the film's highs and lows with six elements from Star Wars: The Force Awakens that were perfect and the converse three that were disappointing. Contains minor spoilers (but no major plot stuff or anything).
