Star Wars: The Force Awakens - New Theory Links Rey With Emperor Palpatine

Good... good....

By Simon Gallagher /

In the absence of truth, spurious rumours, conjecture and wild speculation will fill the vacuum. That's why Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Rey has pretty much been linked to every existing Star Wars character in the hope that one of the theories on how her family are sticks.


Now, a new theory courtesy of Youtuber Vincent Vendetta has reared up to point out the similarities between Rey and Emperor Palpatine, in an attempt to suggest something nefarious about her past, presumably.

The evidence included in the video points out that her opening move in her fight with Kylo Ren is the same forward thrust that Palpatine uses against Mace Windu in Revenge Of The Sith. Then there's the evil voice in Rey's head in the novelization of The Force Awakens that tells her to kill Kylo Ren, which he says is Palpatine calling out to her.


Vendetta rejects the Luke Is Rey's Father theory as being too obvious, takes in Kylo Ren's apparent recognition of her on the Starkiller Base and calls it an interesting narrative choice to have her be Palpatine's granddaughter. He's right there - the inversion of Kylo Ren rejecting the light side affiliation of his family would be nicely echoed in her choosing light over darkness.

And of course, there's that enduring idea that Star Wars always rhymes to take into account, even if there was no past evidence that Palpatine actually had a family in the original films or the prequels. Perhaps he just did some sewing of his seeds as part of the pretence that he was a normal member of the Senate? We all know politicians and their ways, after all.


See what you make of the theory yourself...
