Star Wars: Warwick Davis Is In "No Hurry" To Play An Ewok Again

So much for Wicket's glorious return...

By Simon Gallagher /


Bad news, Ewok fans: Warwick Davis doesn't seem particularly enthusiastic about pulling on his Wicket costume again for another Star Wars appearance.


In conversation with MineCartMayhems GeorgeMCM (Aka, Mini Matt Smith) the actor spoke about his performance as the occasionally beloved character in Star Wars Return of the Jedi, including whether he'd return, which Star Wars he thinks is better and how he came to be cast in The Force Awakens. First up, the question all Star Wars actors must love hearing (transcript via StarWarsNewsNet):

GeorgeMCM: Which one do you think is better, old Star Wars or the new ones?Warwick Davis: I grew up watching the classic trilogy so therefor Star Wars: A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, their my Star Wars. he said. I love what J.J. Abrams has done with Episode VII and Im really excited to see what is coming up in the years to come as far as Star Wars goes

Interesting, Davis also revealed that he wasn't actually invited back for The Force Awakens initially:

GeorgeMCM: It must be a great honor to be asked to return to the new Star Wars series. How did it feel to be asked back?Warwick Davis: It was a great honor, I was thrilled actually. But initially I wasnt asked to go back, my daughter Annabelle who is an actor, she got the part in it (Episode VII) before I did. I used to take her to Pinewood Studios and drop her off in the morning and I would kinda hang around a little hoping that they would notice me and say Warrick come and be in Star Wars again. Eventually they did ring up my agent and say can we get Warwick in we would love to put him in the film.

Is it just me or does that read like something out of Extras?

And as for returning as Wicket, it's not a particularly positive outlook:

GeorgeMCM: Do you hope to return as Wicket?Warwick Davis: I dont know, I mean it was lovely playing and Ewok but its very hot in these costumes. Im not in a big hurry to get back in the furry costume

Oh well. No more Ewoks outrageously saving the galaxy, then.

Here's the interview in full:
