Star Wars: We Finally Have Our Young Han Solo

Behold, the next generation's scruffy little nerf herder...

By Simon Gallagher /


Finally, after months of flirtation and emerging contenders, it looks like we've got our young Han Solo for the Star Wars "anthology" movie.


According to some mysterious sources almost quoted by Coming Soon, Aldren Ehrenreich has been cast for the lead role in Phil Lord and Chris Miller's Han Solo solo movie. It's not entirely official yet, because Disney and LucasFilm deemed it not the best idea ever to use May the 4th as a helpful marketing gimmick.

Just when you thought you had Hollywood completely pegged.


Lawrence and JonKasdan havewritten the stand-alone's script, which will focus on how Han Solo became the self-professed legend he is when he turns up in A New Hope. Unfortunately, nobody seems to be acknowledging that part of the character's immediate appeal was that his claims of legendary status (and everyone else's ignorance of him) worked better because they were unconfirmed.

Seeing him build that legend and actually run the Kessel run just strips away some of the magic. Unless the LEGOMovie directors hilariously riff on it and confirm that that was actually an exaggeration - but then, again, you're playing with mythology too much.


So, is he a good choice? Well, he was certainly the best thing about Hail, Caesar! and he's had eye-catching cameos in the likes of Blue Jasmine and the impenetrably odd Stoker. Whether he's being asked only to do a Harrison Ford impression or not, he's got potential.

Are youhappy to see Ehrenreich cast as the new Han Solo? Share your reactions to the news below in the comments thread.
