Stardust rated R?

By Matt Holmes /

This is rather surprising. The Hollywood Reporter through JoBlo are reporting that Matthew Vaughn's upcoming adaptation of the Neil Gaiman graphic novel Stardust has been slapped with an R-Rating from the MPAA. Stardust was supposed to be a family action/adventure movie, the trailer certainly pointed to it being as much. So the question we have to ask is, how on Earth did this happen? Well JoBlo report that the reason for the R-Rating is because of "fantasy violence and risque humor" which we have to believe is for the risque humor as Filmstalker rightly points out... The Lord of the Rings had some very graphic violence but never got slapped with this rating. It's difficult to imagine Stardust beating LOTR in that department... which leads us to Cinema Blend's post where they tracked down the official website of the MPAA where it clearly states Stardust - PG13. So what's going on here? Has The Hollywood Reporter got something mixed up because an R-Rated fantasy movie... especially one which I said had a "spoof" like quality... won't be able to survive with this type of rating. We will keep you updated on this one. source - joblo, filmstalker, cinema blend, mpaa