Statham hangs around in New Poster for THE MECHANIC!

By Neil Upton /

After a busy week of unimaginative posters for forthcoming releases, up steps another (with thanks to Empire), a marginally better effort for Jason Statham's remake of the 1972 Charles Bronson thriller The Mechanic. Only just, anyway. Resembling Spider-Man on wash day he's seen casually hanging off the side of a wall with the obligatory gun pointing at some off poster enemy.

Note the terribly overused 'crosshairs on the title' design. It's nowhere near as good as the previous, Saul Bass flavoured effort; The Mechanic is directed by Con Air's Simon West and finds Statham as an expert assassin used to working alone with no attachments (kinda like The Transporter). He takes on Pandorum's Ben Foster as a student to avenge the death of his friend (Donald Sutherland) who is also Foster's father.As probably the most credible British exponent of asskickery in decades, he's got my support whatever. I'll be in line when it opens on January 28th 2011.