"Studio killer" Chris Weitz officially helming NEW MOON, what does Stephenie Meyer think?
As we expected last week, Chris Weitz was officially announced over the weekend as the man to direct NEW MOON, the second movie in Stephenie Meyer's outrageously popular TWILIGHT franchise. 12 months ago, Weitz released the big budget fantasy epic THE GOLDEN COMPASS, a movie we shouldn't forget he wrote and directed which crippled New Line Cinema and made the studio who created NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and gave us the LORD OF THE RINGS franchise fold. Which is not meant as a dig against Weitz. It's just I'm EXTREMELY surprised that... A) He would take on another massive fan favourite franchise as his next picture. Another mis-hap here and you have to say his career is done. B) That Summit Entertainment would actively pursue him for it. Surely they could have hired a more assured hand? I was sure the gig would end up with Kathryn Bigelow (POINT BREAK, K:19 THE WIDOWMAKER) especially with the franchise being predominately aimed at females but instead it's the director of ABOUT A BOY and AMERICAN PIE. Not that those were bad movies, they just aren't films that you would immediately associate with a director who should be directing bid budget projects. Chris Weitz said in a press release (which you can read after the jump)...
"I will devote myself to making the very best and most faithful version of New Moon that can be brought to the screen. To those who doubt that as a male director I can capture Bella's experience, I can only say that emotion is universal and that my work has often involved working with some of the most talented actresses in the world".

Like you, Im sad that Catherine is not continuing on with us for New Moon. Im going to miss her, not just as a brilliant director, but also as a friend. She has such a distinct, authentic voice that did amazing things for Twilight. Im looking forward to every movie she does in the future. And she didnt leave us empty handed. We still get the benefits of her amazing casting and the beautiful visual world she created. This foundation puts us in a good place for New Moon. Summit Films is moving forward with a new director for New Moon. Theyve asked Chris Weitz, director of American Pie, About a Boy, and The Golden Compass, to join us, and I am very pleased to announce that hes agreed to be a part of our Twilight world. Ive had the chance to talk to Chris, and I can tell you that he is excited by the story and eager to keep the movie as close to the book as possible. He is also very aware of you, the fans, and wants to keep you all extremely happy. (Torches and pitchforks are not going to be necessary.) Im excited to work with Chris and I think he brings a lot to the table, not the least of which for me is that he wrote the screenplay for and directed one of my favorite movies of all time, About a Boy. Im really looking forward to seeing his vision for New Moon.via - /film