Suicide Squad: 13 More Brand New Details We Just Learrned

The Joker's Batman strippers, Harley's jester suit and Killer Croc's abuse...

By Simon Gallagher /

Warner Bros. Pictures

It's getting harder and harder to overstate just how important Suicide Squad is to Warner Bros. It's no longer the oddball cousin of the DCEU, allowed creative freedom and probably something of a free pass while the Justice League builds on the mainline. Instead it's now looking like WB's crown jewel, and the biggest opportunity they have to claw back some goodwill from any fans they lost with Batman v Superman.


It's no do-over though, of course. As revealed recently, the fact that this film exists in a post-Superman world is a very important narrative element. Even the craziest offshoots have to deal with the collateral damage of that hero vs hero vs giant sloth-like alien fight. And that's no bad thing.

With the film entering its last month of the pre-release marketing campaign. a number of sites have continued to release information from official set visits, interviews with talent and just leaks they've learned, and it makes for some incredible reading. The information dump has unveiled some hugely intriguing details into character background, artistic approach and the real villains of the piece, and even now, it should make fans hungry for more...


13. It's All Canon

Warner Bros.

For anyone worrying that David Ayer is flying fast and loose with your beloved source material, don't you fret: he knows the sanctity and importance of canon:

"The backbone of this story is right out of canon, and it's one comic book. I'm not going to say which one. That's just one out of a two-foot stack. The potential is always there, but as a filmmaker, you have to make the movie work and stand it up on its own two legs and be utterly complete as an experience. Otherwise, you are doing the movie injustice."

Sounds intriguing: so we do now know that there'a comic book out there that contains the main thrust of the film's narrative. Get hunting, Squad fans.


Ayer also promises that there is infinite potential to spin the film off:

"Because of the nature of the comic book universe and the DC Universe, it's really infinite in any way you can go, especially the DC Universe. I think it's one of the most complex fiction universes with 'Crisis' and pre-'Crisis' and the multi-dimensional nature and all the timelines. Each one of these characters could be their own film. The Suicide Squad could be a zillion films."