Suicide Squad Reviews: 14 Early Reactions You Need To See


By Simon Gallagher /

Warner Bros.



Just when you think DC and Warner Bros are going to pull a surprising success out of the bag, the first reviews of Suicide Squad seem to broadly suggest that it's just not very good at all. It's raced down to a 38% rating on RottenTomatoes, and while there are a significant number of people saying it has great moments, the universal message seems to be disappointing.

Sort of adds an uneasy note to David Ayers' triumphant "f*ck Marvel" war cry (a joke, but a silly one with the reviews in mind).

As a quick reflection of the "critics'" appreciation, Warner Bros released a new Critics TV spot with added praise. Inevitably, you won't find anything less than glowing in there...

They must have been pretty blinkered when they put that together.

Because unfortunately for Warner Bros, it's not all positive by any means. It's not quite a complete mauling, but considering how hyped even the most cynical of Batman v Superman critics seem to have been, the negatives count doubly. Some of it is positive though, so let's all hold on to that...

14. Leto Is "Mesmerising"

Let's get the good out of the way, shall we. Almost every review praised Jared Leto's performance as the Joker - a more sensual, but still utterly creepy version of the character who recalls both Heath Ledger and Mark Hamill's versions.


The first review to hit the net (claiming it wasn't subject to embargo) called his performance "mesmerizing", while The Daily Beast seemingly agree, calling his "legendarily demented Joker is utterly captivating in his handful of scenes."

IGN called the performance "unnerving and full of oddities"

Coming Soon too heap praise on him:

"[He] brings a lot new to the character and... while Nicholson was a deranged gangster and Ledger was an anarchist, Leto’s Joker is more like a rock star crossed with a psychopathic serial killer. One minute he’s clowning around and joking. The next minute is quietly staring at you like a predator stares at prey. It’s an unsettling performance, and Suicide Squad breaks new ground with the character as we explore the romance between him and Harley Quinn."
