Suicide Squad Trailer: THIS Is The DC Movie You've Been Waiting For

Neon is the new black.

By Simon Gallagher /

The worst thing Joel Schumacher did for Batman was make the comic side of the character unbelievable: by amping up the camp too much, he made it seem like all of the problems with Batman & Robin came down to the cartoonish characters, comedy and silliness. Thing is, that's all been as big a part of Batman's history as standing moodily in the rain thinking about his dead parents and swearing vengeance through gritted teeth. Batman remains a comic book property, and no amount of Christopher Nolan-like realism can drain that charm. So thank God for Suicide Squad. Just when you thought Batman V Superman was heading in the same poe-faced direction as Man Of Steel and the grimmer parts of The Dark Knight trilogy, its insane sibling releases a first official trailer that promises silliness, spectacle and garishness the likes of which haven't been seen since Schumacher went to far.If only this department of Warner Bros had been working on the Batman V Superman trailers. It's a brilliant teaser: selling the team as individuals and as a unified entity; selling the feeling of the film; and selling David Ayer's commitment to hyper-violence, darkness and a New 52 spirit that is comic book like without being Batman 1966. And damn if they didn't manage to get Jai Courtney actually acting. So put aside all of those concerns about character design and start believing the hype: because as Kevin Smith said, this might just be the DC version of Guardians Of The Galaxy. What did you think of the trailer? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.