Tarantino, have you been a lazy Bastard?

Excuse the language but Quentin's latest comments suggest he has a long way to go with writing Inglorious Bastards.

By Matt Holmes /

Quentin Tarantino was locked away every night in his hotel room writing the script for Inglorious Bastards whilst during the day he would promote his Death Proof movie around Europe. How wrong were, or at least these quotes from the director himself to Rotten Tomatoes suggest so, speaking about the casting process of his film... I never said it was going to star Bruce Willis, Schwarzenegger and Stallone. I don't know who's going to be in it at this point. I have to write it first. It always starts with me and the characters. Whenever I cast an actor and try to write the character around it I always end up regretting it, so I always try to write the character and cast the actor to fit the character.

See the bold quote? Now, does he mean he has to complete writing it first or does it mean he hasn't even begun yet? Come on Quentin, we thought you would have had this done by now. We wanted you to be filming this movie next year and for the first part to be out before the end of the decade, don't tell us you haven't wrote it yet! I'm pretty certain you must have something written down. Haven't you been spending years and years writing and re-drafting this script? Get a move on man! At least he's talking about the film as if it could possibly be his next project and he is continuously doing so. The fans clearly want this as his next picture, I see no better film for him at this point. source - everything tarantino
