Terminator Genisys Super Bowl Trailer: 25 Things You Need To See

Now that's how you make an entrance.

By Simon Gallagher /

Ahead of the Super Bowl, Paramount released their big game teaser for the upcoming new addition to the Terminator franchise, slimming down the already released material and splicing in some new footage, including a nostalgic shot of the new villain walking menacingly through a fireball. Inevitably, given that the extended first trailer landed not so long ago, this big game spot is a parred down version of that: sleeker, tighter and far less showy. But that in no way compromises the impact, even if the film already has its detractors. The teaser makes a smart statement: setting up expectations that the film will be heavily retro-influenced but also a new starting point, and rather than selling the future where humanity fights from the shadows, this is more focussed on Sarah Connor as the new, bad-ass heroine of the piece. And that is very good news...

25. And He's Off

The trailer starts with a Terminator flying through the sky on a motorbike, and ends with one torpedoing through the sky from one helicopter to another, to knock it out of the sky.


All in all, impressive stuff.
