Thank You Paramount, STAR TREK gets worldwide release!

By Matt Holmes /

A big thank you to Paramount, who just like they did with their biggest blockbusters this year Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Iron Man, they have wisely given a simultaneous release for next year's Star Trek - opening in 46 countries on and around May 8th 2009. As someone who lives in the U.K and currently unable to see The Dark Knight, this is very much appreciated.

For the first time ever, Star Trek will open worldwide at the same time as it bows out in the U.S but of course this is now to expected as it's a Summer event movie. This is no longer that geeky sci-fi yarn but a movie which has to appeal to a wide audience, and it will need an event feeling if it has any chance of making a profit at the box office. Not an easy task for A) A movie with the name Star Trek in the title. B) A movie with Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek in the title (I.E: his presence alone will make the movie seem less fresh in the eyes of new viewers) C) A tentpole going up against Terminator IV, Wolverine and Angels & Demons in quick succession). I just wonder if J.J. Abrams has some clever viral marketing up his sleeve to unleash upon us soon. I just wonder. Hope we get to see something at the Con next week! FULL LIST OF STAR TREK WORLDWIDE RELEASE DATES HERE source - trek movie