That shallow writer is returning to Bond 22

Does this guy have his hands in every pie?

By Matt Holmes /

paul_haggis.jpgPaul Haggis is over-rated. No really, he is... In fact he is more than over-rated. Calling him a "good writer" is a down right lie. Haggis is the guy responsible for writing Million Dollar Baby, Crash, The Last Kiss, Casino Royale, Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima. Now disregarding the latter two which I haven't seen, what do all the other scripts have in common? They ALL have blatant structure problems and worst of all, they are emotionally empty. They have no heart. No energy. No life. In terms of Crash and Million Dollar Baby, because Haggis' script revolves around "tough subject matters" he was undeservingly praised to the hilts. There is no redeeming action, persons or feelings in his films... they are shallow and at times insulting. Casino Royale's script was a joke quite honestly in terms of it's late second to third act. How he was allowed to indulge himself in that final third, I will never know. Anyway, the news today from LA Times is that Haggis will return to add his shallowness to the script of the next James Bond movie. I feel cold just thinking about it. source - commander bond