The Batman: Ending Explained

What does The Batman's ending mean for Bruce Wayne, Catwoman, The Penguin, Riddler and more?

By Jamie Kennedy /

The Batman Robert Pattinson
Warner Bros.

Strap in, because there's a lot to unpack here.


Matt Reeves has produced something special with The Batman. It's a superhero origins story, yes, but somehow a more unique one than any hardcore fan of the 'Dark Knight' could've hoped for going in. The way Reeves deftly directed Robert Pattinson to display familiar angst and introspection throughout? It's borderline cinematic genius at times, and it really helps the movie soar to new heights.

What about the ending and all those loose ends though? Well, this is where things get complicated.


The Batman isn't just about Bruce Wayne or his masked alter ego. Others, like Alfred Pennyworth, Catwoman, The Penguin, The Riddler and more all have stories to examine. That's even before one gets to a massive shake up which will re-shape what The Batman 2 (working title right there) has to offer.

Beyond that, who knows? All this article can do is piece together each major character's narrative arc and explain where the first movie in this inevitable trilogy left things. Again, there's a ton to get through. The best place to start is obviously with Mr. Wayne himself, because Reeves' direction put so much emphasis on the fragile balance between Bruce and Bat.


That wonderful fight between inner rage and keeping the peace/criminals at bay in Gotham turned the city and its population into a living, breathing part of the story - that was a welcome touch, especially when the murky depths of Gotham's criminal underbelly are so fascinating in the first place.

So, about ol' Bruce...
