The Batman: The Joker And Black Mask To Terrorise Affleck's Solo Movie?

New rumour picks Batfleck's biggest threats.

By Simon Gallagher /

DC/Warner Bros.

Remember that rumour that said we were going to see the majority of Batman's most famous villains in Ben Affleck's solo outing? Well, it seems we might have an idea of who will be the biggest threats of the group, thanks to a rumour-maker on 4Chan claiming to be leaking information for DC's upcoming slate. Obviously, there's a fairly good chance this is BS, but it's entertaining nonetheless.


Having also laid out DC's "phase 2" plans, the anonymous poster has also said that The Joker and Black Mask will be the major big bads in the solo film. On top of that, Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon will also appear (hopefully meaning we'll see Nightwing and Oracle).

It's about time we saw Black Mask in a Batman film, and the rumour suggests an intriguing possibility that he and Joker are the arch-manipulators behind a plot that sees Batman meet a significant slice of his rogue's gallery. Could they be pulling strings in an Arkham Asylum sort of situation?


The problem is, it would seem unlikely that we'd also see Red Hood alongside those two, and there's just too much hinting at Jason Todd's story being key to future Batman films for him not to be playing some sort of part. Unless of course Warner Bros are doing what DC's print arm couldn't and are leaving Todd legitimately dead?

Would you be happy to see Black Mask and The Joker uniting to fight Batman in his upcoming solo movie? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.
