The Batman's Stunning New Batmobile Revealed

And guess what... fans are divided!

By Simon Gallagher /

Warner Bros.

Matt Reeves has finally officially revealed what the new Batmobile and Batsuit will look like in 2021's The Batman and it's time to get very excited all over again.


Not only does the suit - which was revealed unofficially thanks to set leaks from Glasgow - look the part, but the Batmobile is about the most comics accurate vehicle we've ever had in a Batman movie. Here's how Reeves revealed it...


While there are inevitably fanboys whinging at how understated it is, the idea of Batman driving around in the most conspicuous car in Gotham never actually made sense. It worked for Burton's version because his Gotham was so over-blown that the gothic penis-extension that was his car probably wasn't even the oddest car on the road. Schumacher's took things too far, notoriously using the car as a symbol of Batman's sexiness (he really knew the important things to emphasise, didn't he?)

And then Nolan's version made sense in terms of it being a reused military project, but still, the idea of the mysterious shadowy vigilante driving around in a bloody tank didn't really make sense either. Yes, it looked cool, but the logic isn't there. Which is very much the same for Batfleck's gun with wheels from Dawn Of Justice and Justice League.


This Batmobile is an entirely different prospect and fits WAY more with the vehicles Batman has always traditionally driven in the comics. It also fits a lot more with the idea of this being a fledgling superhero with a certain degree of homemade aesthetic behind him. He might be brilliant and a genius, but he's still rooted in real-world things like existing car chassis.

Warner Bros.

There are also some nice details in there - some of which are quite revelatory - like the boosters looking suspiciously like they owe their designs to The Animated Series and the overall look of the car feeling like it's from the 80s. Possibly even the 1970s, which means we can start asking more questions about when this film is actually set.

Warner Bros.

So, what do you think of the Batmobile? Is it everything you wanted or are you more of a fan of the Batmobiles we've seen before on screen? Share your reactions below...