The Best New Pitchman In Hollywood?

By Ray DeRousse /

We've all had conversations with our friends centered around various ideas that we think would make terrific movies. Some of the more frustrated among us have even turned these little ideas into screenplays or short films in the hope that someone in Hollywood will take notice of our great idea. But now there's an anonymous genius out there who has decided to take a more direct, hit-you-in-the-gut approach to the film ideas floating around in his head. He's started a website called Movies They Should Make. Each entry is a custom-made movie poster pitching a movie idea in graphic form. And some of his ideas are quite impressive. For instance, he agrees with me that a full-scale Nosferatu remake needs to happen. The best part? He imagines Christoph Waltz playing the dreadful Count Orlock, which is sheer brilliance. Waltz has the face for such a transformation, and would be perfect. Here is the poster: Another movie idea hatched on the site is a gay military film called, of course, Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The best part of the idea is the casting of Robert Pattinson and Shia LaBeouf as the two lovers; I would pay good money to see Pattinson mount LaBeouf and fuck the singular brain cell out of his annoying head. Here is the fairly impressive poster for this imaginary film: The site is fairly new, so there isn't much material to browse at this point. I just hope the guy keeps going, because I think he's on the right track.
