WARNING: There are an abundance of spoilers in this article, so continue reading at your own risk. No one can deny that Christopher Nolan has created a truly original Batman story in The Dark Knight Rises. From John Blake to Banes relation to the League of Shadows to Bruce Waynes imprisonment, much of the film had no basis in Batman comics lore. However, there were several moments that were lifted directly from the comics. The Knightfall, No Mans Land, and Dark Knight Returns storylines were especially influential on the film. Knightfall tells the story of Banes first attack on Gotham and Batman while No Mans Land is about what happens to Gotham after it is declared no longer part of the U.S. and turns to gangland rules after a disastrous earthquake. The Dark Knight Returns, as the name might suggest, tells the story of an older Bruce Wayne who has given up being Batman but is forced to return one last time. So which moments from the film were original and which were snatched up from the decades of Batman comics?