The Dark Knight Rises: 5 Reasons Why Lucius Fox Is Batman's Unsung Hero

By Oscar Harding /

Christopher Nolan€™s Dark Knight Trilogy is all about a core group of men- Christian Bale€™s Bruce Wayne, Michael Caine€™s Alfred Pennyworth, Gary Oldman€™s James Gordon€ and Morgan Freeman€™s Lucius Fox. I feel Lucius Fox, or Morgan Freeman when compared to the other three, never gets enough credit. Obviously Batman is our hero; Alfred is his surrogate father figure who provides him with an emotional anchor; and Jim Gordon is the everyman who will do what is necessary to protect Gotham, basically Batman without the mask.


But Lucius Fox gives us something different- he€™s just as much of a hero, and just as much of a necessity to Bruce Wayne and Batman. Why else would Christopher Nolan have brought in a character that is not seen as an essential character? Superman has Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen and Perry White. Spiderman has Mary-Jane, Aunt May and Jonah Jameson. Why does Batman need Lucius Fox when he has Alfred, Robin and Commissioner Gordon? Well, you€™re about to find out!

Read on to find out why I believe Lucius Fox was The Dark Knight Trilogy€™s most vital and underrate character.
