The Dark Knight Rises Ending Poll: Does It Setup Reboot or Sequel?

The ending to Christopher Nolan's final Batman film The Dark Knight Rises was not without controversy.

By Matt Holmes /

Obviously it goes without saying there will be spoilers in this article; The ending to Christopher Nolan's last Batman film The Dark Knight Rises didn't pass without controversy, but whether you love or hate what he did with, there's no denying that its ambiguity made for a rather smart finale. There's so many logical ways of reading the ending... If you want to believe that Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne was killed in the nuclear explosion then there are several valid points that can back-up your theory and I wouldn't say you were wrong. If you want to believe that Bruce Wayne lived and has now retired to settle down with Selina Kyle in Florence, leaving Robin John Blake with the keys to the Batcave as Gotham's new protector, then that I can also believe. But the question I am asking you today is a little different. I am interested to hear your thoughts on how you interrupt the ending of The Dark Knight Rises and how Warner Bros will take the series from here, for no other reason than because I am interested to hear what you made of it and to settle a discussion I am having with a What Culture reader. Now one rule to bare in mind with this poll, you should not allow the judgement of what you have heard last year regarding what WB were planning to do with the Batman saga after this month's release. We are talking purely about the ending of The Dark Knight Rises and whether or not you believe it teases a Joseph Gordon-Levitt led sequel... And now that you've voted, you can read the debate I'm having with a What Culture reader in the article after the "next" button...