THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Trailer 3 - Watch It In May With Dark Shadows?

Plus, new new image of the batsuit graces Entertainment Weekly's latest cover.

By Matt Holmes /

Batman on Film reports that the third trailer for The Dark Knight Rises could be attached to prints of Dark Shadows, the big Tim Burton directed Warner Bros. release in May;
I got a heads up that the next trailer for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES will come in mid to late May -- possibly with DARK SHADOWS. I figured Warner Bros. might attach the next one with WRATH OF THE TITANS on March 30th and I still believe that could happen. Stay tuned.
The Dark Knight Rises is now seven months away from its July 20th release and as the anticipation grows, Entertainment Weekly has taken advantage by publishing a cover story and full feature article on Chris Nolan's final Batman movie in their latest issue. You can see the cover image above of the slightly modified Batsuit and pick up a copy of the magazine yourself from stands tomorrow, Friday January 13th. Some quotes from the issue have made their way online, including Christian Bale once again confirming that he won't be wearing the Cape and Cowl anymore;
€œI can tell you the truth because I€™m done with it... I felt immense pressure. And I think it€™s a good pressure, because you owe it to the films €” and the people€™s expectations €” to make great work.€
You can read the full Entertainment Weekly preview and set report HERE.