THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Trailer Officially Launches - Watch It Now

Bravo Mr. Nolan, Bravo!

By Matt Holmes /

Finally! All those poor souls in the UK who missed out on seeing the most anticipated trailer of the year (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey trailer hits tomorrow and is probably a close second) this weekend when most if not almost all cinemas in this country didn't play the damn thing, can now watch the excellent trailer in the comfort of their own home... and in high definition. Apple have just launched the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises and you can watch it HERE. Do it now and tell all your friends to do so too. Seriously. What do you guys think of the trailer? Love/like/dislike? Is this setting up to be a fitting conclusion to what could one day be looked upon as one of cinema's best ever film trilogies or are we setting ourselves up for the curse of the third franchise movie? I'm kidding... this looks frikkin awesome. This is Christopher Nolan's final Batman movie (well at least for a long while, who knows many years down the line if he gets the itch to return to this character) and boy doesn't it look like he is wanting to go out with a bang! The Dark Knight Rises is due to open July 20th, 2012. Bravo Mr. Nolan, Bravo!