The Fatal Mistake Every Hellboy Movie Made (That Netflix Can Fix)

It can't always be an impending apocalypse. You've got to make time for pancakes.

By Jack Kingston /


For all that the big red demon with the massive stone fist is easily the most recognisable face in the Dark Horse Comics stable, Hellboy has never had the easiest time on screen.


The 2019 movie reboot was hellish in the worst possible ways, but even the cult Guillermo Del Toro installments never really found a wide audience or turned a big profit, nor did their short-lived animated spinoffs.

So, having survived dying and being sent to Hell on the page, is making the leap to the screen the one obstacle that the World's Greatest Paranormal Investigator can't overcome? Or might there be a better environment for a screen version of Anung Un-Rama and his confederates at the Bureau For Paranormal Research And Defence?


Since the popular release of Netflix's take on Dark Horse's The Umbrella Academy there have been calls for the streaming giant to take on a Hellboy or BPRD series as well. As a creator-owned title, Hellboy isn't actually a part of Netflix's "first look" deal with Dark Horse, but their success with its Dark Horse stablemate surely makes Netflix an attractive option for creator Mike Mignola. As it should, because a platform like Netflix offers a chance to remedy the biggest flaw in all the previous screen versions of Hellboy.

Why is our hero constantly on the brink of bringing about the End of Days?


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