The Gentlemen Review: 6 Ups & 4 Downs

A return to form for Guy Ritchie.

By Jack Pooley /

STX Films

Outside of awards season hopefuls, January tends to be a pretty dead month for movies, so it's fair to say that expectations weren't exactly high for Guy Ritchie's new film The Gentlemen, which is seemingly being dumped in cinemas on the relative quiet.


So a pleasant surprise it is, then, that the filmmaker returns with one of his finest efforts in a long time.

The few reviews available for the film seem to broadly agree that while The Gentlemen is pretty standard gangster fare for Ritchie, it's also a welcome return to the style and tone of his earlier, more modest movies.


If you're a fan of Lock Stock, Snatch, and Rocknrolla, the director's latest should provide plenty to enjoy, aided by a game cast of talented performers.

It may not be high-art, but it sure is a lot of fun, and provides a refreshingly irreverent antidote to all the "classy" awards releases being trotted out at the moment...
