The Golden Compass trailer

By Matt Holmes /

It's difficult to get all that excited about fantasy flicks these days after The Chronicles of Narina disappointed us and Eragon (for those who saw it) made them want to vomit. So at this point, I think The Golden Compass is always fighting an uphill battle. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE TRAILER This trailer isn't great but it has some nice moments. The universe looks cool looking and Sam Elliott and Daniel Craig look comfortable in the world they are inhabiting but some of the trailer is a bit clunky. I'm sick of talking animals and I think that bit with the polar bear started to lose my interest. And what's with the advertising campaign? Are they trying to fool us into believing that this movie is actually a sequel to The Lord of the Rings by having those references to the Ring at the beginning? New Line - I don't think your fooling anyone. source - coming soon