The IDENTITY of the female lead in 2012 is...

By Matt Holmes /

Amanda Peet, who played opposite John Cusack in the decent psychological thriller Identity AND in last year's Indie drama Martian Child - will be teaming with the actor again in Roland Emmerich's big disaster movie 2012.


In the movie she has the part of Cusack's ex-wife who is now newly married to a wealthy guy. Apparently Cusack plays a divorced father trying to become a writer while holding a job as a limo driver which goes against earlier reports of him playing an Academic Researcher. The film revolves around a global apocalyptic event as predicted by the Ancient Mayans and the struggle to survive from the point of view of several Americans. Cast for the film shapes up like this... John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Oliver Platt and Thandie Newton. source - the hollywood reporter