The REAL Superman comes to DVD

By Matt Holmes /

Apparently these pics were shown a few days ago but it's the first i've seen of them. Jo Blo have got the heads up on the covers for the new Superman Special Edition DVDS which actually don't look that great but the DVDs themselves look awesome. The movies can be bought individually or together as a box set which also includes the recent summer movie Superman Returns. The awesome news is that the Superman II DVD has the full uncut Richard Donner version as an added feature! I love the first 2 original Supermans and although 3 and 4 are not great, they are still worth watching for the great performances that Christopher Reeve pulls off. The DVDS will be released on November 8th. I think I will probably just get the first two, although if the box set comes cheap enough then I might get them all! Click here to see all four covers! source - dvd town, joblo