The Sergio Leone Story

By Matt Holmes /

Due to the lack of any real news today, I was browsing around Youtube looking for some Ennio Morricone tribute I could possibly post here when I stumbled across this great series of documentaries from a young guy called Andreas, who's work for a Term Paper on one of my top 2 or 3 directors Sergio Leone he has uploaded onto the site. (There is a tribute to Morricone, in part 6). It's really quite brillaint. He's done a terrific and painstaking job of cutting together tons of different scenes from Westerns to make an argument for Leone's brilliance and although he doesn't go into as much depth as he could on each particular point, it's a genuinely good listen. It's great to see that the cinema of Sergio Leone has never been so popular as it is today. Every new person I meet and talk to about film tell me how much Leone has changed the way they view films and how much they have effected them and stuck in their memory. Looking at IMDB as well, movies like The Good, The Bad and The Ugly have creped up to number 4 in the last year or so. It's now ahead of The Return of the King!!!! The popularity is getting stronger and stronger. I put it down to the awesome DVD's that have been released of his work recently, so we no longer have to watch the crappy pan and scan versions on television, which just don't do his work justice. Episode 1 is below, and you wanna watch them all then simply click on the link below, and it will take you to a page where they are uploaded. Seriously, this is really well made and it puts most official documentaries to shame! (btw, in the last episode, has their ever been anyone on the planet that shot a better close-up than Sergio?). Click link below for the rest!