By Matt Holmes /

Katherine Heigl (27 DRESSES) and Gerard Butler (P.S. I LOVE YOU) are back in the rom-com game in THE UGLY TRUTH, with Butler playing the asshole but enthusiastic and oddly charming good looking guy who helps the unlucky in love Heigl in her relationships. All the while the question of when they will see that they are perfect for each other hangs above every scene of the movie. I'm a bit of a sucker for this kind of rom-com and I think the trailer for THE UGLY TRUTH does a good job in not making it overly obvious that they will end up together. There's at least an attempt at the end to subvert our expectation. The Ugly Truth TrailerRobert Luketic's (21, LEGALLY BLONDE) comedy opens April 3rd (U.S.) and April 17th (U.K.)
