JoBlo has reported that a brief re-shoot - or should we say, additional shoot - has taken place in Montreal for James Mangold's upcoming re-do of The Wolverine. If their sources are to be believed, the scene is likely to be a post-credits stinger, featuring none other than Patrick Stewart's Professor Charles Xavier himself. The scene was filmed at an airport and reportedly shows Logan (Hugh Jackman) meeting Xavier, who was walking in the scene and did not require his iconic wheelchair. This would actually make sense considering that The Wolverine is set after X-Men: The Last Stand, when Xavier died, though as anyone who stuck around for that film's post-credits scene saw, he managed to transfer his consciousness somehow into the body of a comatose patient. But surely the patient is going to have a different appearance to Patrick Stewart, right? Wrong. On the DVD commentary of The Last Stand, it is explained that this patient is, in fact, Xavier's braindead twin brother, allowing for an exceedingly clean transition between bodies for the sake of viewers. We can only assume that this will be a set-up for the situation in X-Men: Days of Future Past, and if so, should see the X-Men continuity going the same way as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in so much as trying to tie together all the disparate strands into one cohesive whole, and that's a very exciting prospect indeed. Of course, it could be a total mess, but with helmers like Mangold and Bryan Singer at the helm (rather than, ahem, Brett Ratner), my full confidence is instilled in this prospect. Of course, none of this is confirmed in any way yet, but it certainly sounds plausible, does it not? What would you like to see happen between Logan and Xavier in this potential post-credits scene? Let us know in the comments below. The Wolverine is released on July 26th.