These Post-Credits Movie Scenes SUCK!

Don't Even Bother Waiting Around For These Ones.

By Jules Gill /

While many might think that Super Hero Movies, especially those from The House of Mouse Marvel or The Edgelord Powerplant at DC, might have sole ownership of the Post-Credits scene gimmick, it's a trope that's been longer than many tend to realize.


Used as sequel-bait or simply to blow off steam after the main narrative closes, post-credit scenes are a great way to send the audience home on a high or at least with an extra little chuckle or two. Still, that's only when a post-credit scene is done correctly, and as we know even getting a film to stick it's original landing is hard enough, so asking it to do another backflip is basically trying to capture lightning in a bottle twice.

Therefore one need only cast a rather furious and rage-tear-filled eye across the industry to find examples of terrible post-credits scenes that instead of ending things with a bang, landed with a damp and questionably squelchy thud. These moments were less the film standing tall and sending us home happy, and more stepping in a steaming load and sending us away with heads in hands.

So gather round as we take a look at some Post-Credits scenes that absolutely SUCK!

4. Deadpool IS STILL ALIVE - X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Even speaking the name of this film felt like unleashing a mighty and unjust curse upon the world for many years as nearly everything about this stodgy pile of used condoms felt like it was a disgrace to the source material. Outside of a rather remarkable opening sequence, Origins: Wolverine acted like a book report written by someone whose only research was watching a video of someone else read half of the cliff notes in a foreign language while static intermittently cut through the feed.


Characters came and went with all the pleasure of running into your ex, the plot wildly fluctuated like it was slipping in and out of a coma, and worst of all, two legends of the X-men lineup were treated like they were mere steaming piles of garbage, namely Gambit and Deadpool.

The poor old card shark got minimal screen time and was brushed off as it he was annoying pet hair on a sofa, and Deadpool? My lord what have they done to my boy? The Merc With A Mouth HAD HIS LIPS SOWN SHUT? Why was he teleporting around now? he's like a cheesy fighting game boss, having the most aggravating moveset possible because a focus group thought it looked cool.

As painful as it is to admit, fans around the world cheered when Deadpool was killed, not because it was a satisfying fight, but because they were put out of their misery in watching such a beloved character be treated so poorly. So why in the name of everloving f**k did they decide to wheel out a post-credit scene where the bastard was still alive? No please kick my kidneys harder I'm not pissing blood yet!

Thankfully the film did so poorly that the angle of Deadpool returning was dropped, but for a moment we all shook our heads in just how badly the studio had messed things up.

And do you know what's the worst thing about this absolutely atrocious end credits scene? It's the fact that the studio shot MULTIPLE versions of them and divvied them out to different cinemas and regions as a means of enticing people to see the film more than once or to discuss them online. Trust me mate the only time we're talking about this film is in group therapy sessions, or as we cry ourselves to sleep realizing that this is the only time Gambit has seen the silver screen.

One day mon cheri. One day.
