Thor: Ragnarok - New Images Reveal Hulk's Fangirls

Be prepared for papier mache Hulk heads.

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

With Thor: Ragnarok's release date marching ever closer (and yet feeling so very far away for those of us sucking furiously on the nipple of hype), Empire magazine has dropped with a major feature on the film, including some new images that are bound to feed the addiction.


As ever, they make the film look even better, as if that was possible.

There are a couple of interesting things to note in the Empire images. First, there's a shot of Loki's outfit when he and Thor head to New York...

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In contrast to his sleek look, Thor chooses something a lot more toned down and street-level as a "disguise", missing the fact that him walking around dressed like that with Loki dressed as he is is even more conspicuous than if he was in a suit too...

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We've seen that outfit already, of course, as Thor turned up in the Doctor Strange post-credits wearing it.


There's also another shot of Thor in his warrior outfit, presumably during his escape. At some point he's obviously gained some knowledge of piloting advanced technology ships. To be fair, he does look a little confused.

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We get to see Heimdall about to be in mortal peril (still think this will be his death scene)...


And another shot of The Grandmaster, in a set-up confirming that Loki and Thor both come to Sakaar at the same time (notice Thor still has his long hair here). The smart money is on this being a bartering scene: we know Loki watches the battle between Thor and Hulk from the Grandmaster's personal box as a guest, and we know that he is his prisoner in the aftermath, so putting that information together with this image reveals something interesting.

Marvel Comics

The Grandmaster enjoys games more than anything and he definitely challenges Loki and Thor to beat him to gain their freedom, which is how Thor comes to be in the arena. Loki isn't there to see his brother lose, he's there to watch him win, which is precisely why he reacts to seeing Hulk the way he does in the trailer. That's not a look of fear that Hulk won't fight Thor, it's fear that Thor won't win.


That changes things.

Even more interestingly there's a shot of Valkyrie that is intriguign for everything that's happening in the background. By the look of those terrifying green idols and the cosplay, Hulk has an army of fangirls.

Marvel Studios

Don't know about you, but the most exciting reason for seeing Thor: Ragnarok has very specifically just been changed from general awesomeness to seeing these big scary papier mache faces. Look, this one has seen some STUFF...

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There's also a pair of covers too...


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