TIFF 2010: PASSION PLAY Premiere, Mickey Rourke & Megan Fox snapped by us!!

By Guest Writer /

On Friday night I headed - armed with a 7.2 megapixel Sony Cybershot camera measuring roughly 2 x 6 x 10 cm and packing a hefty 3x zoom - to the red carpet for a showing of Passion Play, the offbeat romantic thriller starring Mickey Rourke, Bill Murray, and the lovely Ms Megan Fox. I mention size of the camera because every other guy there was wielding (two) enormous SLRs with lenses that would put Ron Jeremy to shame. I felt more than a little out of place, but it was a pretty neat experience. I arrived about half an hour before any of the talent walked up the carpet, and the little photography pen was already almost full. The first up are the few attractive women they've managed to find from the production crew, then the director and the people you've heard of arrive at the end. In spite of being relatively poorly endowed in the optics department, I managed to collect some pretty good snaps of the stars for your enjoyment: Mickey Rourke here, looking leathery. The press screamed at him to lose the glasses and he obliged, here he is again, looking rather reptilian. She's here! the person managing the carpet announced! She's here! The lovely miss Fox had finally arrived and she very kindly spent several minutes posing just feet away from us. I wish I could say that she?s not that attractive in reality and that it's all good editing, but that would be a lie: Very arty. Pouty. Love it. There was another one that didn't come out so well of her blowing a kiss. Some other guy asked her to blow the kiss, but I'm pretty sure that she meant it for Obsessed With Film. Here she is with Mitch Glazer, the film's director (sorry that you can't see his face, but did you really want to?): And finally here she is again with the very excellent Bill Murray: There's no trailer of Passion Play online just yet, but here's a first look clip courtesy of Entertainment Tonight which features Rourke meting Fox for the first time and her wings spread in delight. The plot briefly - Rourke plays a jazz trumpeter who falls in love with a beautiful Bird Woman in a circus, and they go on the run from a violent gangster (Murray).