Tom Holland Talks Playing Spider-Man In Captain America: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War is released in the UK on 29th April 2016 and in the US on 6th May.

By Dan Woburn /

Tom Holland has been out promoting Ron Howard's maritime movie In The Heart Of The Sea, and has spoken briefly with the Belfast Telegraph about his upcoming role as Spider-Man Check out what he had to say about his expectations for next year's Captain America: Civil War, in which he is touted to play a brief-yet-memorable role;
"Civil War will be a brilliant movie, a huge movie and I'll have the support of the success of that movie so that I can go on to my own. It was also a real eye-opener to what it will be like when I start my film. I think the problem with Civil War for me was that it made me 10 times more excited to start on Spider-Man, but we don't start for months so I've got to sit on that excitement for the moment."
It must be frustrating having to wait around for so long before you start a dream role like that in earnest. But spare a thought for Ray Fisher, who's going to be playing Cyborg for the Distinguished Competition... his solo film isn't scheduled for release until 2020. I for one am hesitant about Spider-Man's inclusion in Civil War; it feels too much like shoehorned fan service. It appears as if Marvel got the contract locked down with Sony late in the game and then decided to change tactics with the Cap threequel. The story goes that there were two copies of the script; one with Spider-Man included, for the possible outcome that they obtain the rights, and another with Black Panther in the role that Peter Parker would have filled. Now that the deal is done and things are well under way, we are seeing the eventuality that Black Panther and Spider-Man are going to appear. Sounds a little crowded to me!

Captain America: Civil War is released in the UK on 29th April 2016 and in the US on 6th May.
