Top 5 Superman vs Batman Movie Casting Rumours

By Kyle Murphy /

Unconfirmed rumors - or hearsay, speculation some may claim- have exploded across the interwebs that actors have been cast in the Man of Steel sequel, which will not only feature Superman as played by Henry Cavill, but will also introduce a new Batman as well. Warner Bros. surprised the world by announcing Ben Affleck would throw on the cape and cowl as the Dark Knight in the 2015 superhero romp. As soon as that casting was confirmed, wave after wave of "scoops" and "exclusives" (mostly emanating from alleged more parts were cast, filling out roles for lead villains and supporting characters. While the gossip and fan outcry have generated page hits for the rumor mills, they have gone beyond the stuff of fanboy wet dreams and into the mainstream. Legitimate news sources have picked up on some of these stories, and word has actually gotten back to the actor in question regarding the role. Interestingly, the interconnectedness of our times with social media gives this idle talk more oxygen to breath and grow into the question that's on everyone's lips, begging to be confirmed. While none of the following casting has been confirmed in any way, shape or form, let's take a look at the latest tittle-tattle on who may round out the ensemble cast with the Dark Knight over Metropolis.