Top Ten Moments of LOST

By Simon Gallagher /

Top Ten Tuesdays (a new top ten, every tuesday)€ I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate the final season release of Lost on Blu-ray and DVD than to fill this week's top ten list than to run-down my favourite moments in the show's history. It wasn't easy coming up with a list of ten and there's some great moments not included in this list (including the excellent episode The Constant with the deeper understanding of the much loved character Desmond) but these for me were the most memorable moments, of a very memorable show. It goes without saying SPOILERS AHEAD. And also, don't forget to check out my legacy piece on Lost that was published yesterday....

10. It all comes full circle - Season 6 Episode 17 -

The entire ending was pretty good, and I'm sure it will grow on me even more, and I particularly liked the church scene and its revellation, but the single most affecting moment for me in the whole episode and indeed the whole show, was the moment that finished the episode, providing an incredibly good book-end on the events of the Island. Simply, Jack closes his eyes, and the world goes dark. Breath-takingly simple, but hugely affecting. This was going to be the first moment, when Jack wakes up in the jungle, in one of the most impressive camera-reveals I've seen in a while, but I just thought the end, with everything that had just occurred was so much more profound.

9. Charlie's Death - Season 3 Episode 23 -

By far the saddest and most affecting death of all, Charlie's is made all the more profound by the heart-breaking act of crossing himself as he drowns. Great character too. "Not Penny's Boat" - genius.

8. Locke dies - Season 5 Episode 7 -

Savage to say the least! Ben is one of the most compelling figures on the show and watching him snap from measured man of science and rabid animal is mesmorising, especially when he kills Locke. What happened to Locke next was one of the genius character arcs of the show, but at this point... how many of us were gripped by the death of one of the big four.

7. "Live together, die alone" - Season 1 Episode 5 -

The moment that Jack takes up the mantle of leader, and the moment that cements our speculation that he is the real hero of the piece.

6. Sun & Jin die - Season 6 Episode 15 -

Horribly emotional sequence in which Jin opts to die with his trapped wife aboard the booby-trapped submarine, and fulfil his promise of never leaving her again. A fitting ending for the couple that left us without a dry eye in the house.

5. The Flashforwards - Season 3 Episode 23 -

Just as the show was beginning to run it's course, they throw us another curve ball and dismiss criticisms they the writers weren't prepared to take major risks with their series. Like a clever Columbo episode, Lost gives away the fact that at Jack and Kate at least got off the island and baiting us into believing we know the ending. Very clever indeed. There's no doubt this was the biggest cliff-hanger of all the series' and made the end of season break even harder to stomach than usual.

4. Everything Keamy does -

Particularly killing Ben's daughter in front of him in one of the most gruesomely merciless moments of the whole show. And I'm a sucker for a totally irredeemable bad guy and no-one plays them better than Kevin Durand.

3. The Others kidnap Walt - Season 1 Episode 24 -

Great twist on the raft-riders' belief that they are being rescued, and the start to one of the most compelling storylines of the whole show as we find just how far Michael is prepared to go for his son (see number 2). This was a major part of the finale of the first season.

2. Michael kills Ana Lucia (and Libby) - Season 2 Episode 20 -

Great, well-written drama, as Ana Lucia and Libby bow out thanks to Michael's deception. Not even Nostradamus could predict this moment of double-whammy devastation as two major characters of the season season would perish at the hands of a traitor. They were the most shocking deaths of the first few seasons and reminded you not to get too close to any character because they can be killed off in a heartbeat.

1. Locke was in a wheelchair - Season 1 Episode 4 -

One of the first reveals, and thus one of the first time I was allowed the simple pleasure of shouting exactly what the scene was revealing to me at the room. "Oh man! It was Locke's wheelchair!". Those clever bastards. This was the moment where the potential of Lost's fantastic character development became evident, and it just made you wonder about the true backstory of the rest of the passengers. How many of us were hooked not by the pilot, but by this episode?Do you agree or disagree with our choices? Any memorable moments we overlooked. Do comment below!!