THOR begins filming today, Stuart Townsend fired?

Officially, "the man who was nearly Aragon" leaves over "creative differences", and is replaced by an unknown.

By Matt Holmes /

AICN have heard from an anonymous source that Stuart Townsend was fired from his supporting role in Thor for turning up six hours late to a screen test. Officially, the studio are saying "creative differences" led to the split but that's the stock line whenever there is a sudden departure before filming begins on a movie this size. To be honest, I'm not ready to believe the "late" theory from AICN completely, mainly because Townsend has directed a movie now and it's difficult to believe that after sampling what it's like to rely on other people to be punctual and professional for the sake of a director's vision, that he would do something like that to another guy's picture. Especially a veteran like Kenneth Branagh, who is from the old school and wouldn't stand for it, so I ain't buying that fully. Townsend hasn't had the best of luck with fantasy parts, of course. Infamously, he was fired from playing Aragon at the last minute in the Lord of the Rings franchise because Peter Jackson thought he was "too young" and he was replaced by Viggo Mortensen. Townsend's last minute replacement on Thor feels more rushed than that one did, and that's because it probably was. Joshua Dallas (WHO?) replaces him and filming begins TODAY! Dallas is from Indiana and is a few years younger than Townsend, and a lot more inexperienced. His CV boasts The Descent 2 and STV movie The Boxer as his highlights - though he is in the George Lucas produced Red Tails, though his name is well down the credits list. The supporting role is that of Fandral the Dashing, a member of the Asgardian three, a trio of colourful characters who fight as ally's to Thor. Dashing is based on the classic roles of Errol Flynn.. like Robin Hood... the romantic "tongue in cheek" swashbuckler type. Official synopsis€

The movie follows Thor (Chris Hemsworth) a Norse God banished to Earth for his arrogance and reckless behavior in the Asgard, the capital city of the Norse Gods. On Earth, he falls in love with a nurse named Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), but must become a true hero when his sinister brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) brings the darkest forces of Asgard to wreak destruction on humanity.
Anthony Hopkins is Thor€™s father Odin, Rene Russo his mother Friga. Ray Stevenson (as Volstagg), Tadanobu Asano (Hogun) and Joshua Dallas (Fandral) are The Warriors Three. Idris Elba (Heimdall) and Kat Dennings (Darcy), Stellan Skarsgard (Prof. Andrew Ford) Samuel L. Jackson will reprise Nick Fury for one or maybe two scenes, Jaimie Alexander is Sif €“ the Asgardian lover of Thor. Kenneth Branagh of Shakespeare directs today!!!
