We've actually showcased a trailer for the French animated movie FEARS OF THE DARK before, all the way back in the first month of the year when it was playing at the Sundance Film Festival but this latest one is in HD, longer, better and still wonderful. It's beautiful, insane, creepy and just plain cool. I still think I said it best when I called it Tim Burton, scored with SIN CITY... CLICK TO BE TERRIFIED BY A FRIKKIN FRENCH ANIMATED MOVIE! The five part movie has been put together by six graphic artists and cartoonists (they all worked on their own segment) whose inter-connecting stories touch on our deepest fears, phobia's and nightmares for an intense and raw filmic experience. After a successful premiere at the London FrightFest last month, the 85 minute long movie is getting a U.K. cinema run from the first week of October. For everywhere else, your best bet will be at festivals. I can't imagine anything Hollywood produces this Halloween looking as creepy and original as this, so if you do get a chance to see this trippy film in the theatre, I wouldn't pass up on it. source - aicn