Trailer: Matthew Fox & Olivia Williams In Neil Labute's Stage Thriller IN A FORST DARK AND DEEP

By Matt Holmes /

Since the mammoth hit t.v. series Lost ended a year ago, star Matthew Fox has resisted the plentiful film & t.v. offers that have come his way and perhaps smartly has moved instead over to the stage to make his West End theatre debut. Beginning from tomorrow and playing at the Vaudeville Theatre in London for the next 12 weeks is In A Forest Dark and Deep, a dark comedy thriller from playwright and director Neil Labute (The Illusionist) that stars Fox and Olivia Williams as two siblings in a psychological back-and-forth wordplay. Here's the official synopsis and trailer for the production;
On a dark and stormy night, all Bobby (FOX) thought he was doing was helping his sister Betty (WILLIAMS) clear out her cottage in the forest. But in this cabin of lies nothing is as it seems and the truth refuses to be packed away. What is she hiding? Does he really want to find out?
More info & showing times here -