Trailer: Morgan Freeman In DOLPHIN TALE

By Ben Szwediuk /

No-one knows exactly when Morgan Freeman became sufficiently self-parodic no one outside of Chris Nolan wished to cast him in worthwhile films anymore. Freeman€™s laconic voiceover in the ultimate €œslow-burner€ classic The Shawshank Redemption had been an iconic cinematic trope for years; subject to satire and good natured parody for some time, however, if one had to pinpoint a moment when Freeman spectacularly misjudged his own brand it was in voicing the narration of March of the Penguins. In the lamentably sentimental National Geographic documentary, Freeman mounted his own oeuvre without irony in an attempt to attribute human characteristics to the behaviour of penguin colonies. This particular stroke of mawkishness silliness became a financial hit, especially after the American right attempted to embrace this faux-naturalism as a crude truism of orthodox biblical morality. The previously good natured parodies took on a steelier edge, underlying the manipulative quality of Freeman€™s languid tones. A thousand sketches and an insurance advert later, the man that hit a spectacular but too oft neglected peak with Fincher€™s neo-noir masterpiece Se7en has lurched so far into crass stereotype with Dolphin Tale that his avuncular persona is side-lined in favour of an uncontrollable reaction of physical violence. The below trailer betrays so many stereotypes of mawkish boy/animal triumphs over the odds that producers in Disney would be physically sick. Though, if the opening figures for Christian feel-good drama Soul Surfer are any indication, such vile exploitative sentimentality can be very lucrative.The film stars, in addition to Freeman his Kiss The Girls co-star Ashley Judd and Harry Connick Jr and is directed by Charles Martin Smith. The screenplay of Dolphin Tale has been written by Karen Janszen and Naom Drom working for Robert Engelman et al through Alcon Entertainment. The current US release date is December 23rd of this year, UK showings likely to follow soon after.