By Matt Holmes /

Eli Roth's been beaten in his attempt to direct an adaptation of Stephen King's novel CELL. Well, unofficially at least. There's a full length trailer online for THE SIGNAL, a very low budget movie that got some exposure at various festivals this year but without the heavy juggernaut of a guy like J.J. Abrams behind it... it didn't get a huge theatrical run or anyway near the exposure CLOVERFIELD received.


Written and directed by three young film-makers, the movie borrows extremely heavily from Richard Matheson's I AM LEGEND and also as mentioned King's CELL (which in turn was influenced by Matheson) in depicting a world which has gone to hell because of a mysterious transmission that plays through electronic devices and sends everyone into crazed killers. It's the perfect 'media paronia' movie. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE TRAILER IN HD You will be able to catch it on DVD in February, as it's short and limited theatrical run has already been and gone. We've certainly entered a filmic period where the most effective and popular horror seems to the 'end of the world' scenario... is that saying something about the climate we live in? THE SIGNAL looks ok, maybe a little gimmicky and full of 'jump cuts' but still pretty fun. I like Matheson and King's work, so this is always going to catch my eye. source - aicn