By Matt Holmes /

Well the movie industry has shut down for Thanksgiving but there is no such holiday here in the U.K, making news stories very difficult to find this morning. Which means today I have had to resort to a rumor. A really unfounded and likely to be false rumor. Moviehole have found a snippet in the Herald-Sun Newspaper claiming a new BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER movie is in the works. Hollywood are said to be interested in reviving the franchise after the success of TWILIGHT.

"The monster success of girly vampire pic Twilight at the US Box office last weekend could kick open the door for a big-screen return of Joss Whedon€™s much-loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Rumours are circulating in Hollywood that Whedon has a feature-film script based on his hit TV series ready to roll as soon as a studio is prepared to commit. The Buffy concept was first unveiled as a movie in 1992 with long-forgotten Kristy Swanson in the title role."
Something tells me that if Joss Whedon had wrote or was writing a screenplay for a new BUFFY, he wouldn't have been able to keep his mouth shut. He would have told us by now. Would love to see it. I was a huge BUFFY fan and as every Sarah Michelle Gellar flop flies by, I do light a candle of hope that Whedon will come down and rescue her. Hell, it might be good for Whedon too.