Universal's BOURNE IV gets a "parallel script"

By Matt Holmes /

According to The Free Dictionary, the grammar definition of the word "parallel" is... "having identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses or phrases". So when The Hollywood Reporter say that screenwriter Josh Zetumer (who wrote a remake of Dune for Peter Berg) has been brought on to write a parallel script to George Nolfi's screenplay for Bourne IV... what conclusion do we come to? Are they both writing a script which Universal will then decide which one they want to use - or will they blend the best bits of both scripts together? Nolfi had been working on Bourne IV solo before he departed to direct The Adjustment Bureau, a Phillip K. Dick adaptation that shoots next month, also starring Matt Damon. It is however hoped that Nolfi will return to where he left off once filming is complete. Parallel scripts are said to be rare but when are practised, the result is a little problematic. X-Men Origins: Wolverine had one, which probably explains half the reason why it was so disjointed, because it came from two different scripts. Universal president Ron Meyer this week mentioned that getting tentpoles back up and running was a priority for the studio, and producer Frank Marshall has previously mentioned that he wants Bourne IV in theatres by the summer of 2011. Director Paul Greengrass and star Matt Damon will return if they like what they read.