Vader Is Back! In New Star Wars: Rogue One Teaser

Dun dun dun dun-duh-dun, dun-duh-dun!

By Simon Gallagher /


The teaser was good, but this is another step up entirely.


The first trailer footage we got to see for Rogue One set up a war film with a distinctly different flavour to the rest of the Star Wars universe. In the case of the second trailer, just released by Disney, the impetus is on rebuilding those spiritual links.

It's still got its own spirit, of course, but the excellent recrafted Imperial March - which, incredibly becomes an anthem for hope and resilience as it twists through the trailer - and the nods to past Star Wars movies tell their own tale. You can't forget the brand, even when the individual product is different.


All-in-all, the new teaser - which of course comes with a Darth Vader shaped stinger at the end - is a great thing. We get hints at character relationships, a proper first look at K-2SO and hints at some stunning action sequences. And it all felt VERY Star Wars.

Here it is in full...


Inevitably, the comments section on the trailer post has now turned into a trolls versus real people war, with inevitable FEMINIST PROPAGANDA banners flying high, as well as insinuations that the Empire being all white and male is some sort of politicised agenda against The White Man. It's all very, very silly.


Let's not make that become the story it is inevitably going to. Please.

Are you excited for Rogue One? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.
