Variety finally confirm George Miller directing JLA movie

There's nothing we don't know already folks but I guess it's nice to get a confirmation. Next stop... finding a new Batman, Superman and the rest of the bunch!

By Matt Holmes /

Variety work on a different timescale to the rest of the Internet Movie Community. They have finally confirmed that veteran Aussie director George Miller is helming the massive Warner Brothers Justice League production which will indeed be live-action (the trade confirms that an animated/motion capture movie was flirted with at one point) with the film being fast-tracked before next summer's strike. The trade tell us nothing that we knew already, so I won't bore you with the facts once again. You can always keep tabs of all the JLA news by clicking here. The next step is to find a Batman, Superman, etc. Something that took Warner Brothers months and months to do until they finally decided on Brandon Routh for the part, now they have to do it all again in just a matter of weeks! Not easy but they always have the fall back of Tom Welling, no matter how dumb a move I think that would be.
