Venom Vs Spider-Man Confirmed? - Let There Be Carnage!

It looks like Tom Holland's Spidey might be turning up for a sequel cameo...

By Simon Gallagher /


It's been a big 24 hours for Venom. Not only did the upcoming sequel - directed by Andy Serkis, of course - get a release date (June 25th, 2021) but it also got a bonkers, brilliant new title - Venom: Let There Be Carnage. And on top of that, something even more exciting happened: it looks like a pretty important player might have teased a Spider-Man cameo in it too.


Tom Hardy - who will return to play the titular symbiote and his human wearer Eddie Brock - took to social media to tease a battle between Venom and Spider-Man. He then quickly deleted the post because what better way to whip up a frenzy in fandom these days than by trying to cover your tracks (just ask Gwyneth Paltrow about those Rescue leaks for Endgame)?

And wouldn't you know it, Brandon Davis super sleuthed and saw the post so he's shared it for everyone:


Rumours of Tom Holland's involvement in the Venom sequel - and indeed in any of these Sony Spider-Verse movies - has been rampant since before the first Venom was even out. It was almost a weekly thing, in fact - if they weren't debating whether it was in the MCU, they were suggesting Holland would cameo. And this is the most concrete suggestion yet. Unless, of course, Hardy is just playing with fans...


We DO know that Woody Harrelson's Cletus Kassidy - better known as Carnage - will be appearing, though, which means we might get to see a fabled hero/anti-hero/villain threesome. It didn't quite work for Spider-Man 3, but times have changed. Hopefully.

And back to the title - it's daft, yes, but it could suggest that Serkis knows exactly what this film should be. The first movie was great when it was completely off the rails and it was the attempts at seriousness and real-world grounding that held it back. For the sequel to really kick on, it needs to go full Deadpool 2 - amplifying what worked, giving Tom Hardy more free-reign to have fun and basically living up to that title.


With Woody Harrelson coming in as the villain of the piece, that shouldn't be too much of an ask.

What do you think?
