W opens October, a final nail in Bush's regime

Lionsgate pick up the rights to the film which begins shooting next week.

By Matt Holmes /

We've spoken about W an awful lot of times so I will keep this brief. Oliver Stone's biopic of the current and much criticised U.S. President will begin serious production next week with a firm release date now set in stone. The movie will open October 17th - well before the end of Bush's term of office after Lionsgate picked up the distribution rights to the film.

Oliver Stone said in a press release...
"The impact of George W. Bush's presidency will be felt for many years to come. Despite a meteoric, almost illogical rise to power, and a tremendous influence on the world, we don't really know much about Mr. Bush beyond the controlled images we've been allowed to see on TV. This movie's taking a bold stab at looking behind that curtain. I'm real pleased that Lionsgate has the independence necessary to bring this provocative story to an American audience."
This film is going to be huge. No holds barred attack on Bush the likes we haven't seen since Michael Moore's 9/11 documentary. October 17th is not going to be the happiest of days for Bush and his close colleagues - though I'm sure it will be a grilling many Bush detractors have been waiting to see for a very long time. And said people will make this movie a massive financial hit. source - coming soon