Wait, The Suicide Squad Aren't Hunting The Joker?

Rumour may reveal the movie's basic plot.

By Alex Leadbeater /

Say what you want about DC's expanding shared universe (I have), you have to commend them on their ability to keep plot details to a minimum. For once, Marvel must be envious. Beyond the freaking obvious fact that Batman and Superman will come to blows in Batman V Superman, the plot of Dawn Of Justice is totally up in the air. Michael Shannon's back-and-forth of confirming and denying his involvement means Zod-cum-Doomsday is probably involved, but that's about it. This is even more true of Suicide Squad; outside of the basic set-up, next to nothing has actually been revealed about David Ayer's film. Many have assumed it's the Joker that Task Force X are out to get, something the framing of the Comic-Con first look somewhat agreed with. However, the latest rumour (from, who else, Heroic Hollywood) points instead to it being Enchantress, played by Cara Delevingne, being the subject of the mission.
The idea is that the movie's only superpowered character (that we know of) it trying to resurrect her brother, which is obviously not a good thing (if Batman V Superman goes the way we all think, there's already going to have been a pretty bad rebirth in this universe). This actually makes a lot of sense, both in and out of the movie world. Delevingne (who I'm much more on board with making the leap from model to actor after the not-awful Paper Towns) was one of the first people signed on to the film, suggesting Enchantress has a key role, and she's noticeably isolated from the team in the trailer (bar one brief shot with Joel Kinnaman). It also lines up nicely with the suggestion that Jared Leto's Clown Prince of Crime will be a Hannibal Lecter-style figure, dictating events from his Arkham cell (at least to begin with - Joker never stays locked up for long). This is just a rumour, but it is a pretty interesting one with plenty of backing behind. Stayed tuned for more information Suicide Squad is in cinemas on 5th August 2016.